Why the ‘Map Your Fear’ project?
Inspired by the concept of the geography of women’s fear in public spaces, the project was primarily created so you know you are not alone. Incidents of harassment and fear can feel isolating, but they don’t have to be. This website provides a safe space for you to share your story, get support and change the narrative around harassment and fear. Together, we can conquer those fears together. Together, we can reclaim those places, as a collective. Together, we can rewrite your story.
Our experiences of fear in public can have life-changing consequences for our everyday life. It restricts access to the city. And it restricts our fundamental right to occupy and use public space. Our rights to the city. This is where walking events come in. Walking is a political act. Walking is how we make sense of our surroundings. Walking is how we become part of our city. Walking is personal to me. When I first moved to Edinburgh, I walked everywhere, and slowly the city became my home. But also slowly, I experienced harassment and it changed the way I walked.
Thanks to research, we know that fear can lead to the avoidance of certain areas in the city. As people, we create mental maps of the city as a result of our experiences of harassment. These experiences become part of our choices of where to go and what places to avoid. We create ‘no-go areas’. We also create something called ‘spatial tactics’ to make us feel safer. Walking home with keys in hands, promising a friend to text as soon as we get home, putting in headphones to avoid taking to others; these are all examples of tactics. Where we are and how we move through the city is an essential part of our lives. Everyone has the right to be and feel safe.

What is this website?
This website provides you with the opportunity to ‘put yourself and your stories on the map’, to get support and support others. The purpose of this website is to collect stories of harassment and fear, to eventually create a database.
How can I contribute to the map?
You can contribute to the map by leaving geotags with comments about your experiences of fear and harassment in the city. Click the heart on the ‘Map’ page and support others.
Is my personal information safe?
Yes, your posts are anonymous. For extra security, make sure you don’t include names and things that make you easily identifiable though.

How can I get involved?
You can get involved by leaving geotags on the map, sharing your story, reading the stories of others and join one of our walks.